Thursday, October 22, 2009

Whore Err Moo V's
Day of the Dead

Night of the Living Dead: the original was the first gory movie and was ahead of it's time. There's a remake by Tom Savini that I would recommend for fans.

Dawn of the Dead: where he really got good at inventive kills (along with his usual social commentary), but the bright blue makeup really takes me out of it.

Day of the Dead: the money picture. I remember seeing a Saturday morning creature effects show about this. How they used inventive effects and really set the bar.

I only got to see it for the first time about 8 years ago. IFC was doing their Halloween screenings (paired with Dead Alive, jackpot). But the second time I saw it was at a screening at the Biograph attended by George Romero himself. Awesome.

This is the 3rd in his Dead series. The army is stuck in a bunker with some scientists. Nothing really else to say. Things go badly. Watch out.


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