Monday, January 30, 2012

Reel Steel

When I first saw the trailer of this movie I thought it had to be one of those joke trailers that they do on Saturday Night Live. Then I remembered that it's only funny because it's true that we live in a world where Hollywood would make a movie about Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots.

And you know what, the other surprise is, that the movie is pretty good. They take a classic formula, humans (and their robots) down on their luck. The underdog story is always a good one. Who doesn't root for the underdog. Plus it has the added bonus of taking the plot of OVER THE TOP is never a bad idea (right?).

The movie takes you through the world of robot boxing (and some county fair action too). From underground unlicensed fights, to the Rockyesque end where our underdogs fight the top seated heavyweight contender. It does play it on the sappy side at times, but never takes it over the edge.

Did you enjoy it?

Would you see it in theaters again?
Eh. Probably not.

Would you buy it?

Would you rent it?

Would you watch it if you saw it was on TV?

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Grey

Liam Neeson's face is all the marketing department needs to sell this movie. Maybe it's because I sat in the front row, but I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. People seem to really like this movie.

Aint It Cool News


Roger Ebert

Badass Digest

And I guess it does deliver on its promise. Liam Neeson and seven other plane crash survivors against some wolves.

The way Joe Carnahan shoots this movie is exactly the opposite that Soderbergh did for Haywire. Quick cuts everywhere (again, super sucky in the front row). But this was surely used to help with hiding the wolves otherwise we'd have two crappy CGI wolf movies two weeks in a row (anyone going to see Underworld?).

There are some interesting notions that are more cliff's notes of character arc than actual characters in the movie. But I give it points for not just trotting out in the snow without knowing who these guys are. And the deaths (FYI they don't all make it...) are unique enough to stave off boredom.

But I have two big issues. And I'm not about to rent a nature documentary on wolves to find out. There are way too many wolves. The men jump from one side of a cliff to another to escape wolves and there are more wolves there immediately. Really? And secondly, beware the marketing campaign. If you've seen the trailer, then they're trying to trick you into thinking the best part of the movie is something it's not. Well played Marketing Dept., well played.

Did you enjoy it?
It delivered what it promised.

Would you see it in theaters again?
Maybe in the back row to get a contrast to what I saw in the front row.

Would you buy it?

Would you rent it?
No. I have to rent that wolf documentary first.

Would you watch it if you saw it was on TV?

Thursday, January 26, 2012


One sentence summary: Steven Soderbergh has made an action movie. That's going to either sell you or not. The music reminds me of Out of Sight. Other people say it reminds them of The Limey (haven't seen it). The guy sitting behind me at the theater complained about how much he hated it for 30 minutes and then fell asleep. How do I know he was asleep? Because he was snoring (true story). Then when it was over, he said "there's 90 minutes of my life I will never get back". If you had seen this guy, you'd become immediately aware that he's wasted a lot of his life will continue to do so for a long time. But I'm getting off topic.

This movie is a slow burn. It has some great action set pieces. And most importantly, Soderbergh hired Gina Carano to be the star. She was an MMA fighter and shows off her moves. Haywire is shot beautifully. Great angles frame the fight scenes and let them play out. No quick cuts. I think that's what fatty was so upset about. He could see the plot unfold.

Similar to Contagion, not everything in this movie is spelled out for you. Say for instance you fall asleep for 45 minutes, you won't know who's good and who's bad and where you are in time (the movie capitalizes on a lot of flashbacks). It's a smart man's action film. The Expendables this ain't. Haywire is filled to the brim with good actors in all of the main roles. That helps cover for a newbie (Carano). But although she doesn't blow them away, she does her best to hold her own.

The movie is not without it's problems, but they're minor. A good winter release.

Did you enjoy it?

Would you see it in theaters again?

Would you buy it?

Would you rent it?

Would you watch it if you saw it was on TV?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Sitter

This will be known as the last fat Jonah Hill movie (until he gets fat again...). He was just nominated for an Academy Award, not for this movie, for the other one he was in this year, Moneyball. So hopefully that will ease the pain of having to remember he made this movie.

That's not fair. There were a lot of people dumping on this movie when it came out. My excitement petered by all the critic bashing, of which I am usually immune. Then I remember that the makers of this movie also made last year's YOUR HIGHNESS. But it is unfair to compare different movies if they're not sequels, prequels, etc. How was this movie on its own merit. Mildly funny. Sold as a foul-mouthed version of Adventures In Babysitting, that's probably the easiest description.

There are a lots of character outlines / stereotypes. Actors try their hardest to make the material work, with Sam Rockwell trying (and failing) the hardest. Jonah Hill gets asked to babysit last minute so his mom can go on a date. He's watching a kid who might be gay, a young girl already wrapped up in celebrity gossip world (even though she can't explain anything about it), and then there is Rodrigo. He's been adopted but just acts like a sociopath.

If you're looking for a movie like Adventures in Babysitting, I would suggest renting Adventures in Babysitting.

Did you enjoy it?
It wasn't as bad as the critics would have you believe.

Would you see it in theaters again?

Would you buy it?

TV or Streaming?

Would your parents like it?
Probably not.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Academy Award Nominees

We've got our nominees. I'm actually pretty surprised by a lot of these. And I've already seen people call "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" the worst movie ever nominated for an Academy Award. Even though I tried my best to not see any possible nominated movies, I have already seen Moneyball and Midnight In Paris (boo). But I still plan on attending the AMC BPS. They said they will have the details of the showcase up on their website by Friday. Good luck to everyone. 

(*original post from December 15, 2011)

It is going to be quiet around here for the next month or so. Looking over my screenings, I haven't been to the AMC by my house since October. And the last movie I saw (The Muppets) was at the Roosevelt Icon a month ago. But I will make up the time by going to the Best Picture Showcase in February. I am going to try and avoid all the possible Best Picture Nominees over the holidays and watch all 10 in one marathon viewing.

I am going to see The Adventures of Tin Tin, Sherlock Holmes (in D-Box again) and Mission Impossible 4 (this Saturday at the IMAX with 6 minutes of Dark Knight in front of it, YAY). But other than that it's going to be a quiet Christmas.

See you this winter...

We Bought A Zoo

Over the Christmas holiday, the family usually gets together to see a movie. This year (on both sides) no one could come to a decision on what to see. That led us to see We Bought A Zoo. I think that sums up the movie pretty well.

This is the non-offensive story of a family who has lost their matriarch. Everyone is set a drift and looking for something to bring them together. That something is a property that houses a zoo. Adorableness and slight hilarity ensue.

For the second time in 2011, Matt Damon (Contagion) gets to stretch his "dad" acting muscles. I can see why he would want to do so. Working with the once great Cameron Crowe, who's been lying low since Elizabethtown.

The main problem is there aren't any real stakes. If they don't get the zoo going, the family can walk away. Sure they'll have some money issues, but nothing that every American isn't facing with the housing decline. Even the bad guy inspector is basically a non-issue. The movie is cutesy pretending to be heart. It reminds me of Jerry Maguire, which I also felt rang false.

Did you enjoy it?

Would you see it in theaters again?

Would you buy it?

TV or Streaming?

Would your parents like it?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Time heals all wounds. As time has passed Tom Cruise's "nutty" period has become a faint memory. Or as Mrs.Nugget asked "What did he do again? Jumped on Oprah's couch and yelled at someone about medicine?" The same is true for the M:I series. What started strong in 1996 has had diminishing returns in two sequels (in 2000 and 2006). But there seems to be a reason Tom keeps having these movies made. Watching Brad Bird (The Incredibles; Ratatouille) using IMAX cameras similarly to how Christopher Nolan used them in The Dark Knight, should get anyone excited no matter how they feel about Tom Cruise the person.

The fourth film in the series, they keep things going at a brisk pace while still allowing some moments for genuine character arcs. The stunts are fantastic. This helps counter balance some middling CGI (Kremlin destruction and sandstorm). Unlike the previous movies, they do recognize the previous sequel this time, if only giving it a bookend lip service.

My only real complaint is leaving Ving Rhames behind. I understand wanting to freshen things up, but the one thing I always liked from the movies was their trust and friendship. Ah well. And you could do worse than adding more screen time for Simon Pegg. He gets a lot more to do this film than the last.

Did you enjoy it?

Would you see it in theaters again?
IMAX maybe, who wants to take me?

Would you buy it?

Would you rent it?

Would you watch it if you saw it was on TV?